Peacock Caterpillar390 viewsPeacock Caterpillar taken at Ted Ellis Nature reserve.
Privet Hawk Moth caterpillar195 viewsPrivet hawk moth caterpillar after 5 days of finding it it was only about1 and a half cm long when we found it now 2 and a half cm long.(Sphinx ligustri) (Pete)
Privet Hawk Moth caterpillar204 viewsPrivet hawk moth caterpillar after 5 days of finding it it was only about1 and a half cm long when we found it now 2 and a half cm long.(Sphinx ligustri) (Pete)
Privet Hawk Moth caterpillar194 viewsPrivet hawk moth caterpillar after 5 days of finding it it was only about1 and a half cm long when we found it now 2 and a half cm long.(Sphinx ligustri) (Pete)
Sycamore Moth Caterpillar.237 viewsThe Sycamore moth caterpillar (Acronicta aceris) awesome colour the moth is greyish with black patterned markings.
Sycamore Moth Caterpillar.253 viewsThe Sycamore moth caterpillar (Acronicta aceris) awesome colour the moth is greyish with black patterned markings.
Sycamore Moth Caterpillar.253 viewsThe Sycamore moth caterpillar (Acronicta aceris) awesome colour the moth is greyish with black patterned markings.
Sycamore Moth Caterpillar.218 viewsThe Sycamore moth caterpillar (Acronicta aceris) awesome colour the moth is greyish with black patterned markings.
Sycamore Moth Caterpillar.245 viewsThe Sycamore moth caterpillar (Acronicta aceris) awesome colour the moth is greyish with black patterned markings.
Unknown caterpillar270 viewsNot sure what this one is found it under a pot in my back garden.